No Hassle, just "The Hoff"...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I-Love-The-Hoff-and-so-do-you Admit it dammit!!!

An email from an avid fan! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: *removed*
Sent: 31 May 2005 09:18
Subject: I-Love-The-Hoff-and-so-do-you Admit it dammit!!!

It's soooo wrong how David Hasselhof is being defiled and ridiculed. I
remember as a youngster that I was obsessed with Kit. That was the most
beautiful car in the world. It spoke, it flew over things, and who can
forget Michael Knight's words that we used to wait for every time it
flighted.... "turrrrbo booost!" - and Kit took to the sky like a bird,
flying over whatever obstructed his way. How we used to get upset with
Michael when he hurt Kit's feelings. How Kit was as loyal as a dog to
Michael. I mean many of the 1970's generation were glued to their TV
sets every Thursday night at 19h00 to watch Knight Rider!

Who remembers that Kit had an ejection button so that Michael could at
the press of a button get rid of an irritating passenger. How our
fathers particularly loved tat little function, secretly dreaming of
having the same mechanism in his car...

So, all I have to say is that we should stop mocking the Hoff. It's like
making a mockery of the things you enjoyed as a child. I am going to
start my own website


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